Monday, August 6, 2018

Hi, I'm back. Here's some stuff in our new apartment.

We've got our place about 95% set up, so it's time to come off of hiatus and post the obligatory shelfie picture! I'm aware that this isn't the most attractive arrangement of products, but we have a massive vanity in our bathroom and I've yet to find a bathroom organizer I like, so...product pile! Fun fact: roughly a third of these products have been living in a drawer in my fiance's old place for years. You can tell how long we've been dating by the bottle of Pssst dry shampoo, since I made the switch to Not Your Mother's years ago.

I have more products, by the way, but they're in a bin under the sink or in the vanity drawer. I'd be more apt to show this stuff off in an apartment walk-through if I lived in a place that was truly #aesthetic, but no joke, friends, almost every piece of furniture in our apartment came from a family member's garage or a local rummage sale. We're very function over form here. Case in point: the beat-up desk and bookshelf in my office were in Kirby's undergrad basement apartment.

That's not to say we haven't fancied things up a bit. The chair in my office reading nook came from Kirby's late grandmother's house, yes, but the pillows and the picture are new-ish: my parents bought the poster for me when I was a teenager and my mom made me the pillows several years ago, and they stayed wrapped in their plastic until we had a home of our own. Insert a lamp here and we're pretty much done with this section of the apartment, which I think is quite cute.

I'll also have more attractive organization for my beauty products soon, but I'm hoping to use a certain antique that Kirby is refinishing for me. In the meantime, my makeup lives in this post office box and these Glossier mailers. Trust me: the wait for my new organizer will be worth it.

As a post-script, I've considered starting a second blog for posts about budgeting, food, books, and other miscellany stuff, mostly because I think it would frustrate people if that content started popping up here. If you've got an opinion on that, leave it in the comments!


  1. I would love it if you created a second blog, and I think it would be nice to keep this one specifically for makeup. But I'd also be more than happy to read your non-makeup posts here if you decide that maintaining two blogs is too much of a pain.

    I often wonder how long it will be before I live in a place furnished with pieces that I own because I love them and not because a friend is giving them away and, hey, free futon!

    1. I see all of these people with amazing #aesthetic couches and it's like, "Meanwhile, with our $10 rummage sale coffee table..." I'm more than grateful for everything people have sold to us on the cheap or given us for free, but man, it felt good to buy a brand new mattress.

  2. I love the idea of a second blog, I love make up, but it’s not the only thing that interest me. Your blog was the first one that introduced me into make up minimalism, which honestly feels liberating. Because of you I learned about Kimberly Clark (I’m forever thankful). Anyway, I can’t wait to read whatever you come up with. I’m getting back into reading so this feel like great timing.

    1. Hurrah! I hope you're reading some great stuff right now.

  3. I see the virtues of both: maintaining a second blog can be kind of annoying, and as long as everything is clearly tagged, I think it's okay. But I speak as someone who has a small amount of non-beauty content on my mostly-beauty blog.

    I'm looking forward to the day where my furniture isn't mostly hand-me-downs from my student days. My apartment is actually a quirky version of #aesthetic (I live in an attic of an old farmhouse) but my furniture is mostly awful + some Ikea + one really nice coffee table. Someday...

    1. Somehow, the rooms in our apartment have managed to look relatively cohesive. But I think that's mostly because we like black, and that's reflected in a lot of the furniture that was hiding in my fiance's family's garage.
