Tuesday, May 30, 2017

VIDEO: 2017 Lipstick Inventory, Declutter, and No Buy Prep

I've decided to go on a lipstick no buy for the rest of 2017, so of course, I had to take an inventory! I'll be working on these guys for the rest of the year.

In the meantime, my partner and brother are visiting for the summer, so the blog will be on hiatus until July. I'll still be active on social media (Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat), and I'll answer blog comments regularly. Have a safe and beautiful summer, and I'll see you next month!


  1. I think I've said this before, but I'll (creepily) say it again: I love listening to your voice. It's calming but not soporific, which is a tough balance to achieve. As someone with a relatively loud, fast, nervous-sounding voice, I could stand to learn from you!

    I'm curious, will you store your capsule collection in a different place from the lipsticks you're trying to use up? Or is "capsule collection" more of a mental than a physical category?

    1. Oh, no, they'll all be stored together! I just mean that I think that will be an ideal-looking collection when I reach my goals. :)

  2. Have a great holiday! Did you ever do a review on the Loreal Lash Primer? I could not find it. Any thoughts? I need it to hold a curl and prevent flaking. Thx.

    1. It's meant to add volume; it won't do either of those things.

  3. Thanks! Have a great holiday!
