Tuesday, August 19, 2014
A New Hair Style and Some Recent Loves
I have really, really insane hair. It's of a decent thickness, but the individual strands are baby-fine and corkscrew curly. It always feels nice to the touch, but wow, is it a pain to work with. So I've depended on adding layers when I can afford it, and sticking to ponytails and topknots when a $35 haircut is not a financially sound option. You can put some "fresh twists" on those two styles--wrapping ribbons or more elastic bands down the length of a ponytail, for example--but even that gets old.
I go back to those styles, though, because they're kind of necessary when you wake up with hair like this:
Ahhhhhh, I'm not walking out of the house like that unless I'm starring in a 1980s hairspray commercial. Sorry.
Then I noticed this cute look in a couple of magazines. It combines two of my bad hair day go-tos: topknots and scarves. You just put your hair in a high ponytail, tie a scarf around the base, and braid the two ends of the scarf and your hair together. Then you wrap it all in a circle and secure it with some bobby pins. Surprisingly cute and fresh. I think I'll wear this scarfknot a lot this fall, though not for work, as the final look is kinda quirky and casual.
In other news, I've fallen back in love with the Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. It's nothing fancy, but it definitely softens up my skin and squeezes any excess oil out of my pores. I can also get a little exfoliation out of the mask when I gently remove it with warm water and a soft towel. Huzzah! I just wish it didn't contain pigments and perfume to create that fake mintiness.
Also, I recently realized that I haven't talked about food recently. So here's a shot of one of my current favorite snacks: homemade trail mix!
Yeah, it's the same old, super-basic trail mix recipe: raw almonds and walnuts with M&Ms candies and raisins. But it's a classic for a reason! If you want to get fancy, you can add more goodies like dried fruit or ginger, mini-marshmallows, cashews...whatever floats your boat. I suggest keeping the almonds and walnuts no matter what because they're great for your skin.
And my other favorite snack of the moment...
...is thin crust ham and pineapple pizza with a glass of wine. It's like I'm back in graduate school!
As for brunch, my old standby...um, stands. It's some of the best skin food out there: Fage 0% Greek yogurt provides protein and live cultures, blueberries are full of antioxidants, and strawberries are a major source of vitamin C. It's also a very filling, low calorie meal that doesn't kick up my IBS. (I can't say the same for the pizza and wine, unfortunately.)
Oh, and a quick favorite from Simmis: catnip mats! You can purchase these from local craft and pet stores, or at your next festival. It's just a cute little mat full of catnip. Simmis loves to play with her mat, then doze on it for a quick cat-nap.
A last note for the day: I got my phone working again, so I'm back on Instagram! Fair warning, I'm kind of addicted.
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